السبت، 14 مارس 2009

Have you ever go to Oman,If no you may visite take alook to my belog and write to me your opinion.


Oman is a country of enormous diversity and natural beauty, which, while it has much to attract the discerning traveler, had until recent years been largely overlooked by international tourists.

The government was anxious not to promote the Sultanate to tourists until it was ready to accommodate them. Now, with an enviable infrastructure securely in place, a wide range of international hotels and a wealth of things to see and do, Oman is ready to offer its traditional hospitality to visitors from around the world. By the end of 2004, the number of hotels and hotel apartments in the country stood at 146 and 9,8 respectively.

Work on developing further facilities has been constantly ongoing.Indicative of the importance the government affords this sector was the issue of Royal Decree No. 61/2004, establishing

a Ministry of Tourism and appointing a woman as its minister.

I like Oman so much, what about you

Regions and Governorates of
Sultanate Of Oman
The Sultanate of Oman lies on the south east corner of the Arabian Peninsula between latitudes 16˚40' and 26˚-20' north and longitudes 51˚50', and 59˚40' east. Its coast runs to a distance of 1,700 km from the Strait of Hormuz in the north to the borders of the Republic of Yemen, thus overlooking three seas, the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea.

It is bordered to the west by the UAE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to South by the Republic of Yemen, the Strait of I Hormuz to the North and the Arabian Sea to the East.
The Sultanate occupies a total area of about (309,500) square kms and includes different terrains that vary front plain, to highlands and mountains. The coastal plain overlooking the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea forms the most important plain of Oman, the area of which amounts to 3% of the total landmass while the mountain make up 15% or the total area, paramount among which are two ranges: Al Hajr mountains which stretches in the form of an are from Ras Musandam in the north to Ras Al Had. The second is Al Qara mountain range situated in the far side of south west of Oman. Sand and desert cover the greatest area as they represent approximately 82% of the total area: most of it is the Empty Quarter.

The Sultanate is divided administratively into Four governorates, Muscat, Dhofar, Musandam and Al Buraimi and five regions, Al Batinah, Adh Dhahirah, Ad Dakhliyah, Ash Sharqiyah and Al Wusta. These governorates and regions consist of' Wilayats amounting to 61 in number. Each region has one or more regional center. The total regional centers amount to 12.

الأحد، 8 مارس 2009

Ithink Oman has a beatiful Forts. What do you think

Forts and Castles are Oman's most striking cultural landmarks and, together with its towers and city walls, they have historically been used as defensive bastions or look-out points. Forts were often the seats of administrative and judicial authority. There are over 500 forts, castles and towers in Oman which has a coastline of 1,700 kms, so they were needed to protect it from potential invaders. The architectural styles vary, being determined by the architects who built them or the periods in which they were built.

Jalali and Mirani
Which are among Oman's most famous forts stand at the entrance to Muscat bay. Mirani, which was built before the arrival of the Portuguese, was originally shaped like a tower. Then in 1588
the Portuguese rebuilt it on the ruins of its old structure, adding emplacements, stores, living quarters for the commander and a place of worship. The building was enlarged to its present size in the reign of Imam Ahmed bin Said, the founder of the Al Busaidi state in the 18th century, and his grandson Sayyid Said bin Sultan, at the beginning of the 19th century.
The forts of Al Jalali and Al Mirani are the capital's most prominent landmarks and were built in the 16th century AD. The Portuguese completed their construction of Jalali Fort in 1587. Its present-day form dates from the reign of Sayyid Said bin Sultan, and this Fort was restored and converted into a museum in the reign of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

Rustaq Fort
Is amongst the oldest, is the tallest, and is surrounded by watch towers. (
Al Batinah) ori ginally known as Qalat Al Kisra, was built in the 13th century. It has four towers: Al Burj Al Ahmar; Al Burj Al Hadeeth; Al Burj Al Reeh; and Al Burj Ashiateen (which means, ominously, the devil's tower). A falaj ran through the fort to supply water to its inhabitants. Should this become contaminated, the inhabitants were able to rely on a well. There are many rooms to this fort and it also boasts a mosque, weapons' room, prison, and reception area.

Do you think Oman is the best place for living


Parks and Gardens
For what is typically considered a 'desert country', Oman astounds the visitor with its verdant gardens, and elaborate floral displays lining the highways and byways. All the parks are free to enter and usually have small snack shops or drinks stands.
Muscat embraces several parks that varied in areas and location. The main big parks are Qurum Natural Park, Riyam and Al Naseem. Generally the parks attract a lot of people because of the Muscat Municipality keenness for planting trees inside these parks and increasing the green areas, the matter which encourage more people to enjoy visiting them during official holidays. Some parks, in or near to Muscat district are as follows

Qurum Natural Park
It was opened in 1993 and is 1715449 m2, the largest park in Muscat. The park contains a large boating lake and fountain, 'Waterfall Hill', Sultan Qaboos' Rose Garden and meandering pathways, weaving amongst pungent-smelling shrubs and floral beds. The idea of its design depends on exploiting the nature and topographic features of the area to create wonderful and comfortable scenes for the visitors. Qurum Park succeeded in combining between the unique location and the suitable aesthetic and artistic design.

Al Naseem Public Park
It is the first park to be established in Oman and inaugurated during the celebrations of the 15th National Day in1985. It took about 11 months to be built, its gross area is 750,000sq.m and it is about 30km from Muscat International Airport. It is located on the highway leads to Batinah area. The park is equipped with all facilities of children's park as there are different games like the small train that tours the whole area, playgrounds for football, volleyball and tennis as well as a library. In 2000 the Japanese Garden, which was built by the Japanese Embassy in Muscat, was inaugurated in the context of the good relations between the two countries. Amongst many other features, an Arabic garden, Japanese garden, mini falaj system and a small train capable of holding 70 passengers which circumnavigates the park.

Do you have any idea about Omani's Food

Traditional Omani Food
The Omani people are well known for their hospitality and offers of refreshment. To be invited into someone's home will mean coffee (kahwa), a strong, bitter drink flavoured with cardamom, and dates or halwa, a sticky sweet gelatinous substance which is made from brown sugar, eggs, honey and spices. It can be flavoured with many different ingredients, such as nuts, rosewater or even chocolate. Lokhemat is another accompaniment to coffee, which are balls of flour and yeast flavoured with cardamom and deep fried until golden then served with a sweet lime and cardamom syrup. The sweetness of this dish often counteracts the bitterness of the kahwa.

Traditional Omani Food
It is fairly simple, but by using various marinades and impregnating meat with spices, the result is a mouth-watering concoction which stimulates the tastebuds. Chicken, fish and mutton are regularly used in dishes. A favourite drink is laban, a salty buttermilk. Yoghurt drinks, flavoured with cardamom and pistachio nuts are also very popular.Although spices, herbs, onion, garlic and lime are liberally used in traditional Omani cuisine, unlike similar Asian food, it is not hot. Omani cuisine is also distinct from the indigenous foods of other Gulf states and even varies within the Sultanate's different regions. The differences between some of the dishes prepared in Salalah, in the south, and those prepared in Muscat, in the north, are so market that it is difficult to find anything common between them. However, one delight that remains a symbol of Omani hospitality throughout the country are the ubiquitous dates, served with khawa, or Omani coffee. Khawa is prepared from freshly roasted ground coffee mixed with cardamom powder.
At the End Iwill Bye you with those wisdomes as agift for you:
You can only go as far as you push
على قدر أهل العزم تأتي العزائم
ACTIONS speak louder than words
الأفعال أبلغ من الأقوال
DON'T let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff
لا تجعل الماضي يعيقك ، سيلهيك عن الأمور
الجميلة في الحياة
LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it
الحياة قصيرة ، إن لم تستغلها ضاعت عليك الفرصة
Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it
بعض الناس يجعلون حياتك سعيدة ، فقط بتواجدهم فيها
BEST FRIENDS are the siblings ِAllah didn't give us
رب أخ لك لم تلده أمك

When it HURTS to look back, and you're SCARED to look ahead,you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there
عندما يؤلمك النظر للماضي ، وتخاف مما سيحدث في للمستقبل ، انظر لجانبك ، وصديقك
الحميم سيكون هناك ليدعمك
Good friends are like STARS You don't always see them, but you know they are ALWAYS THERE
الأصدقاء الحقيقيون كالنجوم ، لا تراها دوما ؛ لكنك تعلم أنها موجودة في السماء
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them
لا أحد كامل في نظرك ، حتى تقع في حبه ( كلمة تعبيرية فالكمال لله
( وحدة تعالى )
Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end
كل الأمور على مايرام في النهاية ، إن لم تكن كذلك ، فتلك ليست النهاية
Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart
معظم الناس يدخلون ويخرجون من حياتك ، لكن أصدقائك الحقيقيون هم من لهم موضع قدم في قلبك
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