السبت، 14 مارس 2009

Have you ever go to Oman,If no you may visite take alook to my belog and write to me your opinion.


Oman is a country of enormous diversity and natural beauty, which, while it has much to attract the discerning traveler, had until recent years been largely overlooked by international tourists.

The government was anxious not to promote the Sultanate to tourists until it was ready to accommodate them. Now, with an enviable infrastructure securely in place, a wide range of international hotels and a wealth of things to see and do, Oman is ready to offer its traditional hospitality to visitors from around the world. By the end of 2004, the number of hotels and hotel apartments in the country stood at 146 and 9,8 respectively.

Work on developing further facilities has been constantly ongoing.Indicative of the importance the government affords this sector was the issue of Royal Decree No. 61/2004, establishing

a Ministry of Tourism and appointing a woman as its minister.

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